A glimpse of my trajectory 

Postdoctoral Researcher Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany)
Since 2019 Joint appointment at the Neurobiology and Psychology Departments.
Working with Michael Pecka and Bahador Bahrami

Ph.D. in Neuroscience Brain Institute @ Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil)
Graduated 2018 Orientation selectivity of neurons and their spatial layout in cat and agouti primary visual cortex
Performed multielectrode electrophysiology and intrinsic signal imaging recordings, in the largest ever recorded rodent,
proving that the presence of orientation preference maps and pinwheels does not depend on brain size.

M.Sc. in Biology University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Graduated 2012 Molecular basis of the resistance to nitrosative stress in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Through computer modeling, bioinformatics and in-silico simulations of protein dynamics, I described the enzymatic active site of a target for drug development against tuberculosis.

Here is my comprehensive CV